Tarot: seven of swords

In classic Rider Waite Smith tarot decks, the Seven of Swords shows a man with five swords in his arms. Two swords are stuck in the sand behind him. He looks over his shoulder, but on the other side behind him is a group of people in the distance who could very well see what he is doing. The man belongs to the scene but does not seem to be loyal. Behind are several colorful tents in a temporary community, perhaps on a war field. The man holds the edge of the sword with his bare hands. Which would be impossible in real life. So there is something unlikely about the energy here. The card speaks of someone who has a plan, someone who steals, sneaks, strategizes to implement an idea. The character has a blocked Throat Chakra (untruth). The card tells that his plan will not work, which is seen in the next card, Eight of Swords.

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