When you are Ready to Transform, I’m here for You. {Karolina Eleonóra}


I’m a certified Emotion Code practitioner since 2016. Emotion code are simple yet powerful healing sessions that you can receive in the comfort of you own home. All sessions are remote.

They are deeply transformative since they remove the negative emotions that block you. The blocks have a negative impact on your money, your self worth, all relationships professional as well as romantic, your health, bad habits, self-sabotage, being stuck in life, repeating the same mistakes, physical pain, keep meeting the wrong romantic partners etc. You book this session for a specific problem you want healing for.

Book this session now.


“So much has happened. On so many levels, with the physical, mental and
spiritual. I feel blissful and strong, grateful and happy.”

(Five days after treatment) 
“The eczema around the eye of my child is now gone, unbelievable!!!” 

Book an Emotion Code session to cleanse your system of old energies. You can feel how heaviness is lifted off your body, that things become lighter and brighter. Emotion Code is not a "quick fix" but a cleansing tool, and the deeper you want to go with me, the deeper we can cleanse. Although you can take only one session for yourself, for problems you've struggled with for years, it requires several sessions.
The Heart Wall session (that is within the frame of The Emotion Code), is the most asked for session. You never know how a Heart wall removal will transform you, it is different for every client. The positive effect will build up during 6 months to a year, that is because your energy is re-structuring from the session. It is a personal transformation, subtle but deep.


The Heart Wall Removal Session is the most popular of my services. It is within the Modality of The Emotion Code. About 93% of all people have a heart wall, it consists of pent up trauma, betrayal and different dense energies. It is the major block I see in people, and when I remove the wall for them, they transform into open, generous, free individuals. It is like being born again.

Book this Session now.


“I feel an inner balance now that I’ve never had before, it’s like I had an inner pressure that I have been struggling with for years that is now gone! I have been very problem-focussed, but after my Heart Wall removal I don’t feel that old worry that I used to. For the first time in my life, I feel safe enough to express my emotions. Im filled with gratitude for this!”


This session is for removing the blocks that is in the way for romance in your life.

Do you feel like you have a hard time finding the right partner for you? In this session I remove all and any block you could have regarding romantic, sexual, intimate, commitment type of issues. This is to create a flow that opens you up to attracting the right partner for you. 

Book this session now.


“Before the session with Karolina I kept attracting men who wasn’t willing to commit. Two weeks after our session I met a man who is there for me and treats me soo good! He is my absolute dream man.” 

“Since you removed my Romantic blocks, I have new men coming up to me left and right! All I have to do is pick.”

Most people have blocks (trauma) from relationships in their life. Something might have happen at an early age that was humiliating or felt like a failure, and that energy got "stuck" or we could say that a negative program was installed in you, or we would call it "a negative cellular memory". That negative energy sits there and your reality starts to spinn from that reference point. The result is that you from there attract similar experiences that creates a vicious cycle in your romantic life.
The Total Chakra Cleanse (also within the frame of The Emotion Code) is a way to create balance in your body. That balance will have an effect for all of your life. Since the Chakra system is like the wheels of your inner energy-machinery, it is important to have balanced Chakras. A root Chakra that is off balance will have a major negative effect on your basic sense of security in life and so on.


Includes Root chakra, Sacral chakra, Solar plexus, (for Heart chakra you need to book a “Heart wall removal”), Throat chakra, 3d Eye chakra, Crown chakra and Earth star chakra underneath your feet.

The Total Chackra cleanse gives you a new stability in your body, increases your wellbeing, inner sense of security, focus & flow. 

Book this session now.


“I have had problems with my stomach for years, but the doctors could never find a cause or how to help me. I booked the Total Chakra Cleanse with Karolina, but not for the stomach issues, but to my surprise the stomach ache was gone a couple of days after the session with Karolina!”


This is a thorough process for your deep rooted blocks. We go through your age-groups:

Pre-natal, This session is to cleanse the time before and in the uterus. Suits you who feel rootless, restless, lost, who has a hard time finding your place here on Earth and socially or have resistance to adulthood. 

0-6 years, This is the time where you formed a lot of the basic social constructs. Blocks in this age may be that you feel socially awkward, you may feel like you don’t belong, you may long for deeper friendship / partnership, you may feel torn and struggle with making decisions. 

7-14 years, This session is for the period in our lives where we are fitted into the school system. The blocks here may be social trauma (bullying etc), competitiveness, under Dog-top Dog program, Good boy/girl program, searching for acceptance, status and validation. 

Teenage years, Blocks in this phase will affect your ability to make decisions, self-sabotage, relationship problems, fear of failure or fear of success. Recklessness, destructiveness, promiscuity or on the other spectrum; dogmatic, rigid, moral police, preacher; This is the power struggle of the inner Light and inner Dark that needs to be integrated.

Of course if you wish to only book one of these age groups you are welcome to do that. 

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You can book one, several or all of these age-groups to cleanse. This will help you heal the inner fragmented pieces that some people with lots of trauma have. Energetically, I see it as many small or large pieces of shattered glass. Being that shattered inside creates a lot of fear, frustration, forlorn not to mention life becomes a very bumpy ride. Some people have never experienced what it is like feeling true inner harmony, they've grown accustomed to being so shattered. This is where I can help! (Photo cred: Kathy Klein)
Just like you need to cleanse your energies, your relationships need too. A relationship is a unit of energy all of its own. Your relationship isn't better than the accumulated sum of energy it has produced. A blank slate is what is needed sometimes to get a fresh prespective.


This session is for any relationship in your life that needs healing. 

Sometimes we hold resentment to the ones we love the most. This can create a negative loop where fights and arguments take the centre scene. With this session I go a head to clean your trapped emotions towards someone else, or I cleanse both of you (one at a time) but that requires the other persons approval first.

Book this session now.


“I feel stronger and more relaxed now. I no longer feel that old “co-dependency” feeling I used to have to my boyfriend. You are so good at this! Thank you!” 

If you knew how much you look and behave like the character you were in your past life... The lessons you didn't learn then, is here now. The people you hurt or hurt you then, are here now. The unmet desires you had then, you get a new chance to go for now. It is like a weave where energies are at play in the most brilliant of ways. We can not change the cards we are dealt, but with consciousness, we can make the best of the ones we got.


Sometimes we find ourselves at a plateau in our growing that we can’t seem to grow beyond. Or we feel plagued by unexplainable pain, phobias, fears, grief etc. Either or, donig a Past Life Clearing is a good way back to a wholesome self. 

With the Emotion Code, we can clear just about anything, because the Emotion Code deals with energy blocks. During this session, I put my timer on 30 min, and I remove as many blocks as I can find tapping in to your previous life-blocks you have. Your body / Higher Self knows what needs to be done, there is no need to analyse or control this clearing process. It is all guided.

Book this session now.

The Emotion Code works directly with your subconscious mind, where you lodge negative emotional experiences. It is there, in your subconscious, that we can unlock the blocks that hold you back in life.

©Karolina Eleonóra healing 2015-2020

Disclaimer: Karolina is no medical doctor and doesn’t diagnose or cure diseases. If you have a medical problem, contact your doctor. Emotion Code ™ is Energy medicine on the conditions of the body and you can not guarantee a result. The sessions remove “trapped emotions” that creates different imbalances in the body. If you want to quit taking your medication, speak to your doctor. 

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